why cats are much better than men

9 Reasons Why Cats are Much Better than Men: The Real Truth!

Ladies, you may not be able to choose “who” you love, but you CAN choose “what” you love. While men are great for a lot of reasons but cats are better. Yes, your man can take you places and buy you lots of gifts (not to mention fix a leaky faucet), but he can’t compare to what a cat can give you. Kitty might shed a bit, but it’s worth the hassle because cats are more loving, loyal and a lot less annoying- and just just the tip of the iceberg. Want to know all the reasons Why Cats are Better than Men? Read on and we’ll tell you:

1. Cats Know When They’re Wrong and Won’t Argue With You

Cats know they are wrong

Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 / htakashi

Read more9 Reasons Why Cats are Much Better than Men: The Real Truth!

alien cat

Meet This Alien Cat- She Is Truly Out Of This World!

Greetings Earthlings! There’s a new kitty making the rounds of Instagram and it still remains to be seen if she is from our planet. Matilda the Alien Cat has gained notoriety on Instagram thanks to her unique, alien-looking eyes that make her look like she is out of this world.

Even though there is an explanation for her one-of-a-kind look, it’s not stopping her fans from believing all the hype and her popularity is soaring. Truly, there isn’t another cat on this planet that can duplicate her look, making her a rare gem and an instant internet sensation.

All About Matilda

Via Instagram

Via Instagram

Read moreMeet This Alien Cat- She Is Truly Out Of This World!

Cats love balloon explosion

Cats vs Balloon Explosion: The Wildest, Funniest Cat Video Yet!

There are thousands of videos of cats on the internet, but none of them will make you laugh as much as this one featuring Cats against balloon explosions. There’s a war going on and judging by the cats reactions it looks like the balloons are winning. You may think you know what’s going to happen when these cats try to play with (more like destroy) balloons, but trust me, it’s even funnier than you can imagine.

Read moreCats vs Balloon Explosion: The Wildest, Funniest Cat Video Yet!

all about grumpy cat

All about Grumpy Cat: Learn The Facts Behind Everyone Favorite Cat

By now just about everyone on the planet has heard of Grumpy Cat, the lovable curmudgeon cat that has swept the internet by storm. Grumpy has millions of followers on social media, videos on YouTube and meme’s that everyone can’t stop posting (myself include). Yet with all that you’ve seen, how much do you really know about the cat with the forever frown? If you’re like me you probably don’t know as much as you think you do, but you’re about to learn. Want to know All about Grumpy Cat? Read on to find out everything you never knew (or thought to ask).

The Making of Grumpy Cat

Via Instagram

Read moreAll about Grumpy Cat: Learn The Facts Behind Everyone Favorite Cat