Make Christmas Extra Special with Our 30 DIY Christmas Ornament Ideas

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Do you love decorating the tree, but get bored with all the cookie cutter ornaments? Do you wish you had something a little more personal? Well, now you can! With this list of some of the best Christmas tree ornament DIY ideas, you can start creating your own amazing decorations that will add that extra special touch to your holiday season.

Be Merry with our DIY Christmas Ornmanet Idea Infographic


To help you make the most of your DIY projects and make the season a little bit merrier, we put together this handy infographic. Think of it as your own, personalized cheat sheet, giving you tips and facts you won’t find anywhere else. For instance do you know who invented Christmas lights or what materials work best for holiday projects? Well, you will after you read this:

DIY Christmas Ornament Ideas Infographic
DIY Christmas Ornament Ideas Infographic

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DIY Christmas Ornaments Ideas – Be Merry this Holidays

  1. Woodland Creatures- Because Nature and Trees Just go Together

Turn a plain round ornament into a cute woodland creature easily with Americana® Multi-Surface Acrylics. @DecoArt #decoartprojects #decoartprojects

This year, make some adorable animal ornaments! It’s not nearly as hard as you’d think it would be. With some paint, felt, and a bit of craftiness, you can have cute decorations like these as well! See DecoArt Inc. for more great projects like this one.

  1. DIY Sleds-Enjoy Popsicles and Crafts

These popsicle stick sled Christmas ornaments are an easy DIY project that even the kids can do and add a simple, rustic touch to your Christmas decor.

These charming little sleds are so easy to do. All you need are some popsicle sticks, little bells, and a touch of garland. Glue them all together to make some mini sleds that will be sure to liven up the Christmas spirit surrounding your tree this year.

Project is courtesy of Clean and Scentible


  1. Tea Light Snowmen-Too Easy and Too Cute

Tea Light Snowman Ornaments – 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspriation

If you want something super cute with minimal work, this is the ornamentation you’ve been looking for. Just buy some small tea lights, and draw on them! What’s so fun is that you can decorate the faces any which way you want, whether you want them to wear scarves, hats, or baseball caps!

Go to for more projects like this one


  1. Matchbox Car Ornaments-Upcycle Those Old Toys!

These Matchbox Car Ornaments are crazy simple to make and so cute! Perfect for gifting or keeping!

Do you still have some of those old Matchbox cars lying around? Now that the kids are all grown up, put them to use! All you need is a mini tree and some glue, and now you have a car that looks like it’s taking home the tree!

Photo/project courtesy of Lisa {Wine and Glue}


  1. Santa Cam-Will You be Naughty or Nice?

Santa Cam Ornament-Glitter Ornament-Christmas Ornament-Santa Camera-Plastic Ornament-Shatterproof Ornament-Holiday Gift-Santa Spy Camera

Keep your kids nice this year instead of naughty with the Santa cam ornament! Simply decorate any round ornament to look like a camera, and your children will stay on their best behavior since they think Santa Claus is watching!

Via A Little Lady and Me 


  1. Graduation Tassels-Recycle the Celebration

GREAT IDEA! to reuse your graduation tassels: turn them in to Christmas ornaments. I eonder if I still have mine.

Most of us still probably have our graduation tassels from high school or college or both. Instead of letting them collect dust, do something creative with them! Now you can showcase them elegantly in a clear tree ornament.

Photo courtesy of DoItand


  1. Christmas Cactuses-Because Why Not?

After making some Cactus Christmas Stockings last week, I thought it was only fitting to make some mini cactus tree decorations too. These Cactus Christmas Ornaments have a vintage vibe and were re…

It’s safe to say that the popularity surrounding little cacti have been on the rise. And why not? They’re so small and cute in their mini pots. Now you can make some of your own to decorate the tree with! It may not be seasonal exactly, but they will definitely add some interesting character to your tree.

Find this project and more from My Poppet.


  1. Rustic Stars-Matches Everything

Twig Stars-nice camping craft with kids

Rustic decor is very in these days, and for good reason. It’s quaint and easy to match with other decors. This year, extend that look to your Christmas tree! These little stick stars are sure to be a new favorite, to hang and to make.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Seashell Ornament-For Christmases by the Beach

Seashell Christmas Ornament - Busy Kids=Happy Mom

Do you like to collect seashells, but don’t often know what to do with all of them? Well, now you do. Fill up some clear glass Christmas ornaments and make cute decorations! Just add some hemp string for effect, and you have some beach themed ornaments.

Photo from Busy Kids Happy Mom


  1. Superheroes-Decorate with the Kids

Superhero Ornaments | 36 Adorable DIY Ornaments You Can Make With The Kids

With so many hero movies coming out now, the kids will jump at the chance to make these ornaments. Grab some round glass ornaments and some paint and start crafting. Make however many you like. You could create the whole team of Avengers!

Photo from Happy Looks Good

  1. Photo Transfers-Get Extra Personal

DIY Photo Transfer Christmas Ornaments Tutorial | Landeelu - Easy and Cheap DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments

This DIY idea takes a little extra work, but is so worth it in the end. You can transfer any photo you have onto a small slice of wood. Save those important memories in a creative yet beautiful way this year.

Find this and more at Landeelu.

  1. Cork Grapes-For the Wine Lovers

These grapes are made from a recycled wine cork. Great gift for anyone on your…

I think it’s safe to say that most people have a small collection of leftover wine corks. After all, there are so many things you can do with them! This is another great idea. Take some inspiration from the wine itself and turn those corks into grapes. They make wonderful tree ornaments.

Photo from


  1. Golden Animals-Make Any Toy an Ornament

Pottery Barn Knock Off, Faux Mercury Glass Ornament

We’ve all seen those cheap dollar store animal toys right? Well if you’re looking for a way to spruce up your tree this year, those might just be the key. Spray painting things like bear, deer, and mice change the effect completely. Use either gold or silver to make any animal toy a holiday decoration.

Via Snowman Crafts


  1. Write it Out-Use Your Words

Add the title of your favorite Christmas tune to your tree by using Scrabble tiles as a unique ornament.

Scrabble is a fun game, but also a fun decorating tool. Steal some of the letters to make a personalized tree trinket. All you have to do is find a short holiday phrase, glue the words together, and attach a loop! Feel free to add some fake snow for an extra festive effect.

Via Cherrished Bliss


  1. Hot Air Balloons-The Work is Halfway Done

Handmade Christmas Ornaments for gift giving -- DIY Hot Air Balloon Christmas Ornaments on

Make some fun hot air balloon ornaments this year using pre-decorated ones. There are plenty of stores that sell fancy glass ornaments, all you have to do is continue with the color scheme. Add some ribbons and a cute little basket and you’re done!

Find this and more at


  1. Suitcase Ornament-For the Traveler

Need a holiday gift for a traveler? Repurpose an Altoids tin into a darling vintage suitcase / luggage Christmas ornament! This DIY tutorial lays out the steps- simple, easy, and just adorable. Celebrate the love of foreign travel on your tree this Christmas with an adorable upcycle craft project. #SadieSeasongoods /

For those of you who love to travel, this is the perfect ornament. Basically, all you have to do is decorate an Altoids tin! Super light and super easy, this adorable ornament will be a great addition to your tree.

Photo courtesy of Sadie Seasongoods.


  1. Personalized Light Bulbs- One for Everyone

DIY Glitter Christmas Light Bulb Ornaments ~ 1) Take a little bit of floor wax (pledge floor multi-surface or Mop and Glo) swirl in the ornament, drain excess. 2) Use a funnel to add extra fine glitter, it will stick to the inside of the glass. 3) Shake excess out. 4) Dry upside down for awhile. You can also embellish with ribbon, vinyl etc!

This is a great idea for those of you who have large families. Big bulbs are pretty easy to find and cheap to buy, as are some sparkles and sharpies. Include everyone in this cute and festive DIY ornamentation idea.

Photo from My Busy Beehives


  1. Harry Potter Idea-For the Theme Lovers

The Perfect Ornament for the Harry Potter Fan Tiny Apartment Crafts

I think it’s safe to say that most people in this day and age love Harry Potter. If this rings true for you and your family, then this is a great idea to blend that world and the world of Christmas. All you have to do is find a gold ornament, add some decoration and wings, and you’ve got yourself a snitch!

Via Tiny Apartment Crafts


  1. Keep it 2017-Go Emoji

DIY Emoji Ornament Tutorial from A Subtle Revelry. Make these fun DIY Emoji Ornaments with clear ornaments, vinyl, and spray paint. Please choose cruelty free vegan art and craft supplies

Emojis have become a huge deal this past year, with all of their cute and expressive faces. Now you can have a hilarious tree full of them! With straightforward colors and designs, this is a craft idea that the whole family can do.

Photo from True Blue Me and You.


  1. Galaxy Ornaments-Upcycle Old Crayons

Make colorful glass ornaments using pieces of crayon inside. And heating it from the outside with a blow dryer.

Like most families, you probably have a ton of leftover crayons in a box somewhere. For some reason, they’re just so hard to throw away! This year, create some amazing galaxy swirl ornaments. Melt some crayons inside clear glass ornaments for some cool designs.

Via Living, Loving, Laughing, & Creating Everyday.

21. Who Said Stars Only Go On Top?

The kiddos will love helping you craft these easy star ornaments.  Get the tutorial at Live Craft Eat.  What you'll need: Yarn ($10;; Christmas scrapbook paper ($15;

Who said the star has to go on top of the tree? This cute ornament will be the star of the show no matter where you hang it!

Courtesy of Live Craft Eat.

22. Light It Up!


Talk about a bright idea; this classy, elegant light up ball will add a dash of class and sparkle to any tree.

Via My Holiday Fever.

23. Sparkle Like a Star

Carefully push whole and halved toothpicks

If you only “pick” one DIY ornament to do let it be this one. Using nothing more than toothpicks and glitter, this cool star is a winner.


24. Candy Cane Inspiration

Wreaths aren’t just for doors; these mini wreaths, bathed in festive red and white ribbon, will add the right splash of color to any tree.

Photo by Sadie Seasongoods.

25. Sleigh This Ornament!


This adorable sled is a great project to do with your kids- and once you’re done grab your own sled and enjoy the snow.

Photo by the Simple Moms.

26. Edible Excellence

Paper cones filled with candy work as ornaments now and party favors later. Try wrapped peppermints, chocolate kisses or truffles for more color than mess. Get the tutorial » What you'll need: gold origami paper ($8 for 100,, velvet ribbon ($12,

These ornaments look good enough to eat but don’t or you’ll have a naked tree! Of course, you can make extras so when people come over they can take one to go.

Via Goodhousekeeping

27. “Touching” Ornaments


Adorable and sentimental, this is a fun project for parents and kids. Turn your kids’ tiny handprint into an ornament that will last for years to come.

Project from DIYNetwork.

28. Balls of Fun

Commemorate Christmas with a keepsake you can make in minutes. These ones were crafted by Carrie Brown, author of The New Christmas Tree. Go to the next slide for the project instructions for each of these ornaments. What you'll need: Christmas ornament hooks ($5;

Grab balls of yarn, wood, and anything else you have to create these one-of-a-kind ornaments to fill your tree.

Project by Carrie Brown, author of The New Christmas Tree .

29. A Tree In A Tree

For these winter wonderland globes, you'll need plastic old-fashioned light bulb ornaments, white glitter, mini bottle brush trees, red and white striped baker's twine, and a hot glue gun. Get the tutorial at No Biggie. What you'll need: Clear Plastic Lightbulb Ornaments ($20 for 12;, Spectra White Glitter ($9;, Mini Sisal Bottlebrush Trees ($19 for six;, Red and White Baker's Twine Cone ($6,

Snow globes this unique should be all over your tree. All you need are some light bulbs, mini trees, and a little creativity.

Via No Biggie.

30. Cartoon Cuteness

You don’t have to have kids to hang these fun ornaments on your tree; as a Grinch fan, I can tell you which one I’ll be doing!


Christmas is all about family time, and what better way to bring everyone together than by doing some crafts? It’s a fun time around the table, and doable for all ages. Find new ways to accessorize your Christmas tree this year with some of these DIY ornament ideas. Please let us know what you thought of this list!

Homemade Christmas Ornaments DIY Infographic

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