Hey, we all need a drink now and then. And just as important as that drink in your hand is the temperature it has been kept at. That’s why you have to get yourself one of the best kegerator & keg refrigerators out there so that you can always have the best brews on tap.
Our Favorite Choice
Let’s cut to the chase real quick in case you don’t want to read too much! If you’re looking for the top kegerator – bar none – you want the EdgeStar KC2000 Full-Size Kegerator.
This freestanding unit has all of the necessary features you’ll need without any of the frills other kegerators may have.
Different Types of Keg Coolers
Keg refrigerators, like nearly any appliance, will come in varying shapes, sizes, makes, models, and colors. But there are a couple key differences that give us two different categories of keg-refrigerator.
Generally speaking, you can get a kegerator with a tap or without one. The advantage to having one with a tap pre-installed is that you will be all set up for your chosen type of beverage all the time. No hassle! However, the drawback is that you won’t be able to appropriately pour any other beverages.
Therefore, the great thing about having a keg refrigerator that doesn’t have a tap already on it is that you can turn it into a machine that dispenses whatever types of drinks you want. You’ll have to set it up for your drink of choice every time you go to use it but that added flexibility may be worth it for you.
Top Rated Kegerator & Keg Refrigerators
1. EdgeStar KC2000 Full-Size Keg Beer Cooler

Holds 1/4 and 1/2 Kegs
This is great for both 1/4 and 1/2 kegs. If you’ve only got the smaller 1/4 keg for your needs, this keg refrigerator is perfect. But if you’re having a nice party or have some other need for more brew, you can fit a full 1/2 keg for everyone’s enjoyment. Options are always good when it comes to drinks!
Chills from the Low 30s F to Mid 40s F
Not everyone wants their keg cooled to the same temperature and EdgeStar knows it. That’s why they let you control the temperature of your kegerator from anywhere between the low 30s F and mid-40s F.
This way, you can really dial it in for the coldest brew in the land for those long days or just set it to a warmer but still plenty brisk temperature.
Black and Stainless Steel Versions
These beer coolers come in two beautiful styles that will go great in any kitchen or bar area. If you’re looking for a more modern look, we recommend the stainless steel – although the black would look awesome in nearly any space.
And, don’t forget, both of these styles easily convert into perfectly good refrigerators when they don’t have a keg in them!
2. EdgeStar Built-In Kegerator Conversion Refrigerator

State of the Art Cooling
The portions of this appliance that make it so cold are absolutely the finest out there. The fridge expels its heat out the lower front of its body, uses forced air refrigeration, and utilizes an interior LED light to light your way through your kegerator. You’ll be able to fit a slim quarter, 1/6 barrel, or Cornelius keg into this near-freezing environment.
Features, Features, Features
This keg refrigerator has a ton of interesting features that you won’t find on any other kegerators. It has a reversible door, a stainless steel guardrail, a stainless steel drip tray, and – our favorite – wheels! How many times have you wanted to be able to move a full keg easily and just not been able to do it? Another handy feature: the safety lock. This is a great feature if you want to be keeping tabs on whoever is getting into your keg.
Wide Temperature Range
This kegerator has a really nice ability to get your keg all the way down to 32 F and keep it chilled as high as 60 F. This temperature range is easily controllable through the thermostat that adjusts with the touch of a few buttons. In this way, you’ll have your desired beverage at your desired temperature, perfect for your consumption.
3. Kegco Kegerator Beer Keg Refrigerator

Includes Complete Keg Tapping Kit
When you get this beer dispenser, you’re also getting an entire beer tapping kit with it. The installed 5 lb CO2 tank, single gauge CO2 regulator, airlines, and lever system handle.
This makes it easy to get your favorite beverage out of your keg with a perfect pour. All you have to do is install your keg!
Energy Efficiency
Due to the advanced technology in this kegerator, energy efficiency is a strength of this product. The cooling system is designed to be extremely quiet and uses 25% less energy than its competitors.
You can set the cooling system anywhere between 35 and 42 F but, at all levels, you’ll be using less energy than you would with any other keg refrigerator.
Hey, you know how nice it is to have your own kegerator? Now, imagine having one that you like that only works for a few years.
Thankfully, this is not an issue with this kegerator as it is built to last through the ages. As long as you want to drink from a keg, it will stay cold.
4. Nostalgia CBD5 Homecraft Kegerator On-Tap Beer Growler Cooling System

Easy to Pull Tap Handle
Just like the bartender at your favorite pub, you’ll be able to pour out a great drink from the spout of this kegerator. The keg growler is easy to set up so that the handle pours right above the spill tray and into your glass.
You’ll feel like the best pour master in the land.
Thermoelectric Cooling System
The energy efficient but completely effective cooling used in this kegerator comes from a thermoelectric system. By simply using the power of electricity, you’ll end up with a perfectly chilled beverage that will satisfy you just how you wanted.
This cooling will keep beer fresh for over 30 days!
Works with a 5-liter Keg Growler
The included keg growler is built to fit perfectly into this product for the best performance. It also comes with 3 CO2 cartridges that are designed specifically for this unit.
A 5-liter growler is great for those that want to have a small kegerator for personal use rather than a large one to satisfy an entire party.
5. Nostalgia KRS2100 Full Size Kegorator Dispenser

Spring-Loaded Tap
The built-in, spring-loaded tap on this kegorator makes a perfect drink easy to pour for anyone. Simply set your glass down on the tray below the spout and pull the lever. The beautiful brew from your keg will start to pour out like the finest beer commercial in the land.
2.5 lb CO2 Tank
The pre-installed CO2 tank has enough volume to it for a ton of great use. 2.5 lb is enough to last you a long, long way to keep the beer and liquors flowing so nicely.
As long as your guests don’t blow the pressurization, you’re looking at a tank that will get you all the beer you will need for the foreseeable future!
Easy to Use, Easy to Clean
Hey, accidents happen – but this one is going to make things simple on this front, too. The beer tray is stainless steel, easily removable, and there are guardrails near the tap to try to keep spills to a minimum. With other keg refrigerators, a spill might easily turn into an obnoxious nightmare.
But that just simply isn’t the case with this easy to clean kegerator.
Some Things to Consider
When you go to get your own keg refrigerator, you’ll want to be certain that you are getting one of the best kegerator & keg refrigerators specifically for you. For this reason, you’ll want to look at a few key factors:
- Price: Of course, the size of your wallet should be considered with any purchase. Your kegerator should be appropriate for your own personal needs, whatever they may be.
- Keg Size: You’ll want to think about the keg itself before you consider too much about the keg refrigerator. Get the right size keg before you get the right size kegerator.
- With or Without Tap: You may have noticed that this list included only products with built-in taps.
However, if you want a keg refrigerator that doesn’t have a pre-installed tap, you’ll want to do some more digging.
Wrap Up
The best keg refrigerators are all right here on this list. It’s your job now to make sure you get the right one for you. Of course, the absolute best is the EdgeStar KC2000 Full-Size in our expert opinion. But only you know what you will be doing with your new favorite toy! All we know is that a cold, full keg is a great place to end any day with whatever style you are looking for.