Best Handheld Steamer (2020) Comparison Reviews – Full Steam Ahead!

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Let’s be real: Does anyone iron anymore? If you’re still stuck in the stone age, let’s get you introduced to handheld steamers so that you can not only steam your clothes but anything else you need to be steamed. They’re way easier to use, far more useful, and much more versatile than the standard ironing setup and – here’s the best part – we have the best handheld steamers below.

best handheld steam cleaner

Our Favorite Handheld Steamers


If you’re the kind that likes to cut to the chase, we’ll tell you that the PurSteam Handheld Pressurized Cleaner is the best out there and definitely our favorite choice. It’s powerful, it’s light, it’s extremely affordable, and it’s the whole package. You can’t go wrong with this PurSteam product.

What A Handheld Steamer Can Do and Why You Want One

A handheld steamer is exactly what it sounds like. It will be about the size of an iron with the same steam producing quality – but it’s far more useful. You see, a handheld steamer can be used on far more than clothes thrown across a sawhorse. You can walk it around your house and use it on tons of surfaces like tile, granite, carpets, and waterproof wood flooring. Or you can take it outside and use it in the car, for example. Its portability and ease of use is absolutely head and shoulders above an iron.

What does this mean for you, then? No more having to store – or wrestle with – an ironing board. Never again will you be restricted to just using the power of steam on just clothing. Now, you can clean practically any surface in and around your house that is waterproof! That’s versatility that can get practically an entire house clean! And, best of all, it’s so, so easy to use. No wrangling an iron around, having to worry about burning yourself or struggling with the old ironing board. It’s quick, easy, safe, and a dream to use.

Top Rated Handheld Steamer Cleaners: Which One is the Best?

1. PurSteam Handheld Pressurized Cleaner (Our Best-Seller 2020)

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30% More Steam for Half the Price

This is a case where the title says it all. The price of this steamer doesn’t tell the whole story because it packs a serious punch. With up to 30% more steam than competitors who want to gouge you on price, this steamer is tested to be top of the line. If it’s not one of the best handheld steamers, we don’t know what is.

9 Accessories Included

As we said, these handheld steamers can be used to clean nearly anything. PurSteam took it a step further, though, by including a plethora of attachments that let you get into every nook and cranny far easier. Now, your home will be cleaner than ever before simply with the power of all-natural steam.

Easy Use with Fast Heat Up

This ergonomically designed product is so simple to use that it could be handed off to a child (as long as they don’t touch the steam directly!). You’ll have piping hot steam within 3 minutes of plugging the unit in and easy cleaning will be at your fingertips.

2. The “Small but Mighty” Winner – The BIZOND Steamer

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As Small as Could Be

Frankly, it probably isn’t possible to make a more compact steamer without sacrificing effectiveness. This steamer fits in the palm of your hand yet still provides up to 10 minutes of continuous, powerful steam cleaning. If you’re looking for even more steaming capacity, it comes with a detachable tank that vastly improves upon that 10 minutes.

Super Fast Heat Up Time

Since this product is so handy, it can heat up far faster than most other handheld steamers. We’re not talking about a slim margin here either, folks. We’re saying that this steamer will be heated up and put out a perfect stream of steam within 25 seconds. If you aren’t feeling patient, this is the steamer for you.

Nano Polymer Filter

The filter on this steamer makes it so that you can depend on it for years to come. Some steamers are prone to calcification in their piping due to dirty tap water but that’s no worry with this steamer. You’ll be buying a handheld steamer for the foreseeable future – maybe even for life.

3. The Ease of Use Winner – BLACK+DECKER 1400W Advanced Handheld Steamer

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Adjustable Trigger Setup

The coolest part about this steamer is definitely the trigger that lets you lock in for a continuous streaming experience or press it down only when you need a burst of steam. This way, you can choose between bulk steaming or spot steaming.

Auto Shutoff

If you accidentally leave your steamer on, that may create an unsafe situation. Luckily, BLACK+DECKER is taking care of you by putting an auto shutoff switch in this steamer. After 15 minutes of being left alone, it will turn off and cool down. Crisis averted.

XL Cord

We all know what it’s like to be using a corded device and run out of room to gallop. Again, BLACK+DECKER was thinking of you when they added a 15-foot cord to this steamer. We’re willing to bet you can get to literally every spot in your house with 15 feet of cable available to you.

4. The Capacity Winner – Baabyoo Portable Garment Steamer

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30 Minutes of Non-Stop Steaming

If you want to be able to steam the most surface area without having to refill your tank, this is the biggest tank you will see on a handheld steamer. You’ll get as much as a full half an hour of steaming power to clean grime, grease, and stains out of your surfaces and fabrics.

No Spills, No Spitting

This steamer has an anti-spill mechanism to prevent any spillage that may occur if the product were tipped over. Additionally, the spout ensures that you are only getting perfectly heated steam rather than any water that may come out of the spouts of other brands of handheld steamers.

Power and Consistency

The steam in this particular product is going to make your clothes look new and your surfaces shine. Without the need for any cleaning chemicals or other substances, the power of hot water can get you the squeaky clean that you have been looking for.

5. The Handiness Winner – BIZOND Portable Garment Steamer

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Big “Handiness” Factor

We wish there was a more official-sounding way to describe how handy this tool is but this is the best way to describe it: “Handiness factor” through the roof! It’s compact, light, the cord is 9.8 feet long, the attachments are awesome and it’s just – well, so handy.

90 Second Heat Up Time

If you’re planning on using this garment steamer as part of your morning routine, for example, you have a need for speed. In just 90 seconds, you’ll be able to use your handheld steamer to get those wrinkles out of today’s outfit or clean up a patch of dirtiness around your house.

Safety Features

Safety is always key in every facet of life and BIZOND knows it. This steamer has an automatic shut off just in case it starts to get too hot through surging power or running out of water to heat. And, of course, it’s safe on any fabrics including satin, wool, cotton, bedding, and everything in between.

Some Things to Consider When Buying a New Portable Steamer

Getting your own handheld steamer is as easy as realizing what exactly it is that you want the most out of your product. While all handheld steamers are going to give you the cleaning, sanitizing power of steam without the need for caustic chemicals, there are other characteristics of these products that should be paid attention to.

First, you need to think about size. Sure, all of these handheld steamers are, yes, handheld. But they are still going to vary in weight by a decent margin. You might even find that certain sizes are more preferable to you, too. For this reason, pay attention to the weight especially and make sure you are getting a size and shape that you like.

The second big thing to pay attention to is capacity. These are handheld steamers so they aren’t meant for your big steaming projects but they still supply different amounts of time that you will get that sweet, sweet steam. Depending on the tank size, you could get anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes of continuous steaming. So, be on the lookout for a number that suits your needs.

Wrap Up

It looks like you have managed to make it through our list of the best handheld steamers without stopping short and heading over to get one for yourself. We don’t know how (especially with the PurSteam model on this list) but you’re definitely in a good spot now with all of your newfound steaming knowledge. Now, you can scroll back up and take your pick with the confidence that you are getting the right steamer for your particular needs. Happy steaming!

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