21 DIY Basement Transformation Ideas: Go From Drab to Fab

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Do you have an unfinished or messy basement? Are you tired of feeling like you’re walking into a horror movie every time you want to do laundry? You can do something about it! DIY is a great way to redecorate and redesign your house on a budget. Take down those cobwebs and get ready for a list of unique DIY basement ideas that will take your space from drab to fab!

DIY Basement Transformation Ideas

DIY Basement Transformation Ideas: Go From Drab to Fab


  1. All the Storage You Could Ever Want- You Just Have to Build It

Storage for under the basement stairs


If you have a relatively normal family, then I’m sure storage is a constant issue. Don’t miss out on all that potential just waiting for you! Under the stairs is a great and super convenient place to build some shelves.

  1. Holes Behind Paintings- The Best Way to Hide the Ugly Stuff

12 Creative Ways to Organize Your Basement

If you want to hide some of the uglier, but necessary, stuff in your finished basement, take a lesson from Scooby Doo and hide it behind a painting! An idea as old as time but still just as effective today.


  1. Personal Movie Theater- Not as Hard as it Sounds

Pallet Theater Seating

I think it’s safe to say that most people fantasize about having their own movie theater. This is fun whether you live alone or have an established family. Don’t feel pressured to have theater-like seats; make your own out of palettes! Add an extra soft cushion and you’re all set.


  1. Basement Windows- When They’re Too Small for Curtains

Mini barn door shutters! Perfect for small spaces.

Most basements have windows, but what about when you’re trying to watch a movie? Curtains are an option, but the small ones are just so outdated. So how to add a modern twist? The answer is barn doors.  These adorable squares are perfect for those small windows downstairs and will complement any finished basement.


  1. Chalkboard Paint- The Possibilities are Endless

DIY Chalkboard Wal

This has got to be one of the most fun DIY projects you can do. There are so many fun things you can do with chalkboard paint. Not only can you accent any room with a black wall, but you can draw on it too! Chalkboards aren’t just for kids; get creative and design a cool space in your basement. This bar is an excellent example.


  1. Support Posts- If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em

How cool! What a good use of the pesky posts! More

With open concepts being so popular, support posts are getting a lot of hate. Unfortunately, they’re vital, but don’t let them stop you from taking advantage of all the space you have downstairs. There are lots of ways you can creatively incorporate them into the design.


  1. Low Ceilings- The Never-Ending Challenge

Tales of Painted Basement Ceilings and Pole Dancing Woes

How do you make your low and exposed ceiling match the rest of your finished basement? Easy! Just paint it over. The unified color works wonders, not to mention you can take advantage of the cool industrial look.


  1. Old Stairs- A Little Paint Goes a Long Way

Paint and stain works WONDERS.

Do you have old wooden stairs that you can’t wait to rip out? Before you spend all the extra cash building new stairs, consider a simple coat of paint. Instead of stairs, build a cheaper railing and you’re good to go.


  1. Concrete- Redo the Floors on a Budget

DIY Rustoleum Concrete Stain

If your basement is anything like mine, it has concrete floors. The cold gray floors don’t go too well with a finished basement, but with this easy product, you can completely transform your concrete into something extremely tasteful. And cheap!


  1. Brick Walls- Even Fake Ones Look Good

DIY Thin Brick Wall Tutorial by www.shanty-2-chic.com... Easy and so cute!

Now you can install your very own brick accent wall! There’s something cozy about this look, and now you can bring it home with you. Warm up that cold basement feel with this easy to install thin brick wall.


  1. DIY Dartboard- Essential for Any Bachelor Pad

Protect Your Wall from Stray Darts with This DIY Dartboard Cabinet Made of Wine Corks

I feel like dartboards are a staple for any finished basement. If you agree, then this is the DIY project for you. In order to protect your wall, simply make your own cork board out of wine corks. That way the darts have a safe and convenient place to land, and you have an excuse to drink more wine!


  1. Playhouse in the Basement- Not as Creepy as it Sounds

What great idea of having a playhouse under your stairs!!

If you have your storage situation under control, then consider doing something fun and creative for the kids! The space under the stairs is great to make a playhouse out of. It would be a great project for you and your kids to do together. They can design it, and you can build it.


  1. Beer Clock- Man Cave Must Haves

man+cave+stuff | 30 Cool Man Cave Stuff Ideas

I think it’s safe to say that most men drink beer, one time or another. Now you can put those drinking skills to good use! Drink 12 bottles of your favorite stuff and make a clock. This is a fun little project you can do in a day, and a good excuse to have a beer.


  1. Indoor Playground- Keep the Kids Occupied

DIY Basement Indoor Playground with Monkey Bars

This is a must-have for large families. For those rainy days when everyone is stuck inside, now you can have a place for the kids to go and blow off some steam. Don’t let this idea intimidate you; people make DIY playgrounds all the time!


  1. Low Ceilings- Cover all Those Ugly Pipes

Basement ceiling

Ceilings are always a challenge when it comes to basements. They’re low, pocketed, and sometimes downright ugly. There are many ways to redo a ceiling, but if you are a fan of rustic charm, this design is for you. You can easily find some old slats of wood. Then just nail them up in this simple yet attractive design.


  1. Unsightly Walls- The Solution is Simple

For those stained and unpleasant looking walls in your basement, you can hide them quite easily. Just hang up some nice floor to ceiling curtains for a quick fix to cover up those homely walls.


  1. Mirrors- Brighten up Your Space

Maximize Light with a Mirror

If you struggle with the lighting in your basement, consider getting a large mirror or two. They will bounce the light around and make the room seem brighter and airier. All you have to do is visit a few thrift store. The fun part is touching up some antique mirror frames!


  1. Plants- Always a Great Addition

Large plants are a great way to camouflage anything you want hidden. They are also a great way to make your basement feel homier. If you love having plants in your house, this is a great opportunity to go bigger. Now you can have that Ficus you’ve always wanted.


  1. Lighting- Crucial for any Basement

Light Fixtures For Unfinished Basement Ceiling

I think it’s common sense that having good lighting in a basement is key since it’s obviously the darkest place in your house. I like this idea a lot since it doesn’t require you to finish your ceiling. Instead, you can utilize the fact that its pocketed; putting lights in the deeper recesses gives off quite a nice glow that isn’t too harsh or bright.


  1. DIY Workshop-If You Don’t Have a Garage

DIY Garage pegboard for tools, spray paint and supplies.

My father always had some kind of project going on in our basement. If you’re the same way, then a downstairs workshop is a huge convenience. It’s pretty easy to make your own pegboard wall and install a bench of some sort. Start on those projects today!



I hope that you have enjoyed reading this list and that these ideas will inspire you to update your basement. A lot of these projects can be done in a weekend for under $50! As someone who was always living in a DIY home, these ideas have been utilized by my parents more than once. Please let us know your thoughts and feelings in the comments!

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