Smart Tips for Moving and Packing Electronics

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Making sure all of your belongings reach the final destination in one piece should be the primary goal of every relocation. However, even this challenging task can have separate priorities for your items. Not everything you pack has the same value. Some things are easily replaced, while others will cost you a small fortune to fix or buy.

Smart Tips for Moving and Packing Electronics

Since we live in the age of advanced technology, our most precious possessions are electronic devices. For that reason, it is essential you learn how moving and packing electronics is done the right way.

There are many crucial details to remember, so I always suggest you take notes.

Categorize electronic devices


Before you start packing, you must divide your electronic devices into categories. The difference in the shape, size, and the number of parts will be vital for deciding how to pack them. Some items are small, and some are large, so you can’t pack them in the same way.

Treat your electronic devices gently and with care

Applying the best packing technique will play an essential role in keeping your items safe. Once damaged, it’s not that important whether you decide to repair or replace a broken appliance. Either way, you are losing money.

Are You Hiring Movers?

Moving across the country can be difficult if done on your own. Moving professionals in Florida can help you move cross country, and save you a lot of trouble when moving and packing electronics. They have special boxes and crates at your disposal. However, they are a bit pricey.

To avoid additional costs even if relocating with a moving company, always use the original box when packing appliances.

Always Use the Original Packaging

I can’t stress enough the importance of using the original packaging. Moving a TV is much simpler if you pack it in the box designed to keep it safe. Also, it is easier for transportation. Furthermore, all devices you buy have a manual with safety instructions. Read it thoroughly and find out what is the best way to keep the device protected.

Detach Movable Parts

A ride to your new home can be bumpy. If your electronic devices are not secured enough, they may collide during the move and damage. First ones to break are movable parts. To prevent this catastrophe from happening, detach all movable parts. You can always reattach them once you safely arrive at your destination.

If you can’t remember the order of the cables before you remove them, think twice about what you’re doing

A good example is a mini compact refrigerator. These cost a small fortune to buy, so be careful when packing them. Defrost the freezer, remove plastic compartments, tape the door shut and safely secure the cable. This is how you should treat electronic devices when moving. You can apply the same principle to any other device you have.

Always Keep the Manuals

If at some point you disassemble an electronic device, putting the pieces together will be difficult if you can’t remember how to do it. For instance, if you are not tech savvy, remembering the order of the cables you need to connect to the back of your PC can be a complication you are not prepared for.

For that reason, always keep the manuals to help you in this process.

Safely Store Small Pieces

Another thing that requires your attention is storing small items for the road. The only safe way is to use a plastic zip lock bag. If you never searched for a missing piece from any electronic devices, you don’t know what hell is.

For example, this is why you should always have your home squeaky clean. If you lose a piece, it is easier to find it if there is no mess in your room.

Pack Cables Separately

When packing cables, remove them from the device, and tape them individually. You can store all the wires in one box or a bag, but make sure you label which one is for which device.

Securing headphone cables is essential

Some devices don’t have the option of detaching the cable. However, in these cases, you have a designated place to coil the cable. When rolling cables, pay special attention not to break them. If any of the wires inside get damaged, you can throw it away. This is what happens with most of the headphones for mobile devices. If there is no other way, cut out a piece of cardboard, and wrap headphones around it. 

Label Fragile Boxes

Labeling fragile boxes is always essential, whether you are moving and packing electronics or your china. Even if you hire Best Cross Country Movers you can find, you never know what can happen with a box if it’s not properly labeled.

When labeling boxes with electronic devices, make a small list that will help you remember what you did with each device.

For instance, if you disassembled the device and stored small pieces into a plastic bag, make a note of it, and label the plastic bag as well. This is a safe system always to know the location of all parts.

Tips for Loading Packed Electronic Devices

When loading boxes to the truck, make sure you balance the weight adequately. Heavier items should always go in the back of the trailer, and on the opposite corners. If you have longer items, like a flat-screen TV, always place them tightly between other boxes so that they won’t slide during the ride.

Load TV and Monitor properly in the truck

For safety reasons, put electronic devices on top of other things, and tape them if necessary. If there is any water damage due to the rain, it is not safe to keep them on the ground. Water will penetrate the box and the electronic components and render your device permanently unusable.

If you are the designated driver, it is crucial to understand how to distribute weight in the truck evenly. Getting to know your vehicle, especially if you rented one, is imperative for a safe move!

Better to be safe than sorry!

As you can see, moving and packing electronics require certain preparation. Stick to these rules, and you’ll avoid any problems you may encounter. It is crucial to approach this process with concentration and patience. Your moving budget has its limits, and you don’t have the luxury of spending it on unnecessary repairment.

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