Calathea Medallion plants are a type of houseplant that can be found in many homes. They have ivy-shaped leaves with yellow variegation and look great in any setting. They are easy to care for, but there are some tips you should follow when taking care of them. This blog post will discuss these tips, so you can keep your Calathea medallions looking their best.
Use filtered water when watering the plant
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The first thing that you should do is use filtered water when watering the plant. This is one of the best things that you can do to ensure your Calathea Medallion thrives healthy. Tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals which could harm the plant over time. For this reason, always use filtered water, and you will see that the leaves stay green and fresh-looking. You can also create a watering schedule for them. This allows you to keep them hydrated without overwatering them.
Don’t overfeed the plant
Another thing that you should be careful of when caring for Calathea medallion plants is not overfeeding them. Most houseplants require feeding every two weeks or so, but this rule doesn’t apply to all plants. You could kill your plant if you overfeed it. Make sure that you only feed the plant every two weeks and if in doubt, don’t add any food to the potting mix.
Nevertheless, you should feed your Calathea medallion houseplant regularly. You can use any type of liquid or granular houseplant food. Feeding once per month is usually effective, but you can increase this frequency if the plant looks like it could use more food. Make sure that you always follow the instructions on the back of your fertilizer package so as not to overfeed or underfeed your plants.
Use a fertilizer specifically for tropical plants
One other thing that you should consider when caring for your Calathea medallion plant, or any type of houseplant really, is using a specific type of fertilizer that has been designed for tropical plants. Fertilizers come in different types and strengths, but if you want your Calathea medallion to thrive, it would be best to use a fertilizer made specifically for tropical plants.
Be sure to use soil that drains well
You must be using the right type of potting mixture for your Calathea medallion plants. You will want one which has a higher sand content, so it can drain properly, as this plant likes moist but not wet conditions. If you are using a potting mixture that doesn’t drain well, you can add some perlite to it. This will allow the soil to absorb excess water while still allowing air in for healthy root growth. Keep in mind that the health of your Calathea medallion plants depends on it.
Use bright light but not direct sunlight
Calathea Medallion plants should be kept in an area where they receive bright indirect sunlight during the day. If you have the plant in a location where it receives low levels of indirect light, this may contribute to leaf burn on your Calathea medallion. In turn, this will cause the leaves to look discolored and unhealthy, so make sure that they are getting enough sun during the day.
At the same time, you don’t want to expose your Calathea medallion plants to direct sunlight, as this can scorch and burn the leaves. If possible, try placing them near a sunny window where they will receive indirect light but not full sun exposure. This is one of the best things that you can do for your Calathea medallion plants.
Trim off the brown leaves as they appear
You should try and keep your Calathea medallion plants looking as healthy as possible. One of the best things that you can do to accomplish this is to remove brown leaves when they appear on their ivy-shaped foliage. If you leave them on, they will eventually turn yellow and drop off by themselves, which can cause unsightly gaps in the plant’s foliage.
You should check your Calathea medallion plant daily and remove any dead or dying plants from the pot so that there is plenty of room for new growth. This is one of the best things that you can do to keep your Calathea medallion looking at its absolute best. If you see pests crawling around on it, use an organic insecticide on them, such as worms and caterpillars.
If you follow these simple steps, your Calathea medallion plant will thrive and grow to be a beautiful plant. You can trim off the brown leaves as they appear and remove any dead or dying plants from the pot so that there is plenty of room for new growth. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer months, while using an organic insecticide on pests if you see them crawling around on it. Rest assured that your hard work in caring for this plant will pay off.