21 Best Easy as 1-2-3 DIY Baby Food Recipes

Nothing is more fulfilling in life than to become a mother. It allows you to see and appreciate the wonders life can bring, shows you what you can do, and reveals what you are most capable of, just to give the best to your child. In addition, being a mother means having the best gift you can ever receive, and that is your precious little one!

Protecting, and providing, for your little one, means showering him with everything he needs, especially love; And what better way is there to show that love than serving your little one great, delicious and healthy baby food?

With the wide array of baby foods available in groceries and supermarkets, you surely have a lot of options on what kind of food to give your baby. However, did you know that nothing beats the freshness, healthiness and best quality of homemade baby food?

Easy as 1-2-3 diy baby food recipes

There a a lot of benefits of giving your baby homemade baby food, which we will share with you, along with these DIY baby food recipes to get you started. These recipes are easy to do, nutritious, and guaranteed to provide enjoyable mealtimes for your baby and you.

Why should you switch to DIY baby food?


You are in-charge of its Quality and Freshness.

When you create baby food from scratch, you have full control as to the ingredients you use, as well as their quality and freshness. Though fresh fruits and vegetables are always available in supermarkets, it is best to pick organic ones; remember, the small tummy of your little one is very sensitive to ‘harmful’ substances- organic produce is pesticide free and easier to digest.

You can instill Good and Healthy Eating Habits to your baby starting at a young age

mother feeding baby food

Making delicious and healthy food for your baby is just a matter of adding and balancing the right portions of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables provide us with essential nutrients for good cardiovascular and digestive health, and are low in calories. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and also add sweetness to any dish. By combining the two in smart, and creative ways, you can instill good and healthy eating habits in your baby without sacrificing taste.

It Enables You to Get Creative.

There may be a lot of bottled baby food products available in supermarkets, but, nothing ever beats mom’s homemade delicious and healthy baby food! With the variety of fruits and vegetables you can purchase, the possible food combinations are endless. This gives your baby  a greater variety of flavors to enjoy, and gets them accustom to trying new things.  So, play around with different flavor profiles, mix fruits with vegetables, yachting goes, as long as it tastes good.

It enables you to save money in the long run.

When you make baby food by yourself, you save money in the long run. There may be some equipment and materials you need to be purchase initially, but it will pay for itself in no time. Fresh produce costs less than overpriced, pre-packaged foods, and you can use your tools and equipment for other purposes as well, making the most of your investment.

Best Easy DIY BabyFood Recipes

1. Banana Avocado Puree

Avocado Banana Puree
Via annabelkarmel.com

In order to give in to your little one’s sweet tooth, mixing 2 fruits would be the best ingredients for a baby food. So, why not try feeding your baby some banana avocado puree? Guaranteed, he’s going to be delighted by it!

First, you are going to need a half portion of banana and a quarter portion of avocado. Then, all you have to do is to process it by using a blender or a rotary food mill. Then, put in your baby’s food bowl and serve.

2. White Bean Puree

Another simple, but delicious way to prepare baby food for your little one is by pureeing a single servings worth of white beans. Just steam it, put it in a food processor or rotary food mill, then serve it to your little one.

However, make sure that the white beans you use are sweet enough; if they are not, add a little amount of sugar to enhance the sweetness.

3. Yam and Carrot Puree

Yam and Carrot Puree

Shared bewitchingkitchen.com

Mixing yam with carrots is absolutely the best way to pack your baby’s food with the vitamins and minerals he needs every day. All you have to do is  mix a half portion of yams with a quarter portion of carrots, steam them, then puree them by using a blender or a rotary food mill.

However, to save you time and energy, having an all-in-one baby food maker to do the job would be best.

4. Banana Oatmeal Mix

banana oatmeal

Do you eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday? Are there times when you have to throw it out because you can’t finish it anymore? Well, there is no need for you to do that anymore, because oatmeal can be used to make delicious baby food once you pair it with a sweet and mushy fruit, like a banana!

Just take your leftover oatmeal, add a piece or two of banana to it. then puree it by using a blender. If the serving is too much, just put it in a container, then place it in the fridge or freezer to eat later.

5. Pear and Sweet Potato Mash

Mix a half portion of pear as well as a half portion of steamed sweet potato, and then mash it by using a food mill or a blender. Make sure the solids are soft and mashed as much as possible, so that your little one can easily eat it, and his tummy can quickly digest it.

6. Banapple (Banana-Apple) Mash

banana-apple mash

This banana-apple combination, a classic and great combo for baby food,is not new, but making it from scratch i! Just put a half portion of apple and a piece of banana in a food processor or mill until it is properly mashed, then serve it to your baby. If there are any leftovers, put it inside a container, place it in the fridge and save it for later.

7. Honey Banapple Mix

Since apples get tangy over time, there sweetness may not be enough when turned into baby food. But this is an easy fix: just add some banana and a little bit of honey and the problem is solved.

Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with a piece of banana and ½ portion of a whole apple, process it by using a blender or food mill, and then serve.

Note: Babies under 1 year-old are not recommended to eat honey.

8. Kale and Apple Puree

We all know that kale contains a lot of health benefits for the body. So, combining it with apple to make a baby food is a great choice, as the apple will give it a more appealing taste! Just put an appropriate portion of kale with a ¾ portion of apple, puree it, then serve.

9. Apple Puree

apple puree

Nothing beats the goodness of apples in keeping the doctor away! Pureeing it and serving it to your precious little one keeps him safe from sickness and diseases. You can simply use a rotary food mill for making this baby food.

10. Peach Puree

Peaches are one of the sweetest, and delightful fruits available on the market. Simply pureeing it could be a great food for your baby. Just puree peaches by using a rotary food mill or a blender, then serve. If there are any leftovers, putting it in ice cube trays is ideal for eating later.

11. Peas and Pear Puree

If you want a tangy but tasty food for your baby, serving him some peas and pear puree is the best choice. Just mix a cup of steamed peas and a pear in a food processor or food mill, puree it, and then serve.

12. Honey Banana Mix

honey banana mix

You can also take away the apple and make a complete honey banana mix. Just mix 2 tablespoons of honey with a piece of banana, process it by using a food mill, and then serve it to your little one.

Note: Babies under 1 year-old baby are not recommended to eat honey.

13. Blueberry and Avocado Puree

Everybody loves blueberries! And your precious little baby will love it too, as long as you puree it and balance its tangy flavor with a mushy avocado. To do this, mix a cup of blueberries with a whole avocado, put it in a blender or rotary food mill, and puree it. If there is still some left after serving, put it inside ice cube trays and save for later.

14. Sweet Potato and Carrot Mash

If you want to serve your baby some fully enriching food to give him energy, a sweet potato and carrot mash will get the job done. This duo is not just a great source of energy, but daily essential vitamins such as beta-carotene as well. Just mix a half portion of sweet potato with a half portion of carrot, and put it inside an all-in-one baby food maker. If you do not have one, steam these first and put inside a blender or food mill.

15. Peach Mango Puree

peach mango puree

Shared Once a month Meals

Serving your baby some peach mango puree is as sweet as your love for him, so it should be given once in a while. To do it, just mix peach slices with mango slices, put in a food processor or mill, and then puree it.

16. Avocado and Banana Mix

Another food your baby will surely love is the avocado and banana mix. Mix a half portion of avocado with a piece of banana, mash it by using a rotary food mill or a blender, and then serve.

17. Apple and Carrot Puree

If you are looking for more fruits to pair with carrots, you can combine fresh apples with them for a bright, tasty treat. Get a half piece of apple and mix it with a half portion of steamed carrot, process it together by using a blender or food mill, and then serve.

18. Sweet Potato Mash

mashed sweet potato
Via momitforward.com

If you want to serve a sweet-tasting baby food to your little one by just using a single ingredient, using a sweet potato and mashing it would be the best choice for you. Just put a half portion of the sweet potato in an all-in-one baby food maker, mash it until all solids are soft and easy to digest, then serve.

19. Irish Potato/Yam, Carrot, Cabbage and Boiled Egg

This is not very common but my baby loves it. The boiled egg, makes the meal creamy and delicious. However, this is not a good fit for small babies;  you should give this to your baby from about 6-8 months, after they are already used to eating solid food.

After all ingredients are cooked, put the desired portion into a bowl and puree with a hand blender. Very nutritious!

20. Irish Potato, String Beans, carrot and Chicken or Fish

As your baby’s taste buds develop, say from about 9-12 months, this combination is a good way to introduce them to more animal protein varieties. Chicken and fish are very good source of protein. At 11 months, my son was eating this up for his early lunch.

21. Oats and Banana

This is a simple recipe for a baby who loves to eat. It is very filling and delicious as well. When making the oats, cook until very smooth, then add milk. Leave to cool before adding pureed banana. Half a banana is ok, depending on your baby’s weight and preference

What Materials/Equipment do You Need to Create the Best DIY Baby Food?

· All-in-one baby food maker

mother feeding baby boy with diy baby food
This wonderful piece of equipment does all the work for you, from the steaming to the pureeing. There are also all-in-one baby food maker models that have a reheating or defrosting feature, which could really help save you time and energy. So,  if you want more convenience and you don’t mind spending some cash, you should totally purchase an all-in-one baby food maker.

· Rotary food mill or kitchen blender
If you are on a budget, having a rotary food mill is best to help you do the mashing and pureeing work. However, if you want these baby food making jobs to become easier, using a kitchen blender is very ideal.

· BPA-free plastic containers and ice trays
If there are any baby food leftovers, having plastic containers and ice trays to store it in comes in very handy. With them, you can save any left over  baby food for another meal time. Just make sure the food is not spoiled or exposed to harmful substances.

To store, put it inside the fridge if you are going to use it sooner, and in the freezer if you plan to use it later, to avoid spoilage. Smelling or tasting the baby food before you feed it to your little one is a good way to check for freshness. Don’t forget to exercise your baby with a push walker.


Making homemade or DIY baby food might take a bit more time out of your day, but, with the health benefits, quality, and freshness your baby can get from it, it is surely worth spending energy and time for.

Keep in mind that there is no better way to show your love for your baby than to feed him with healthy and quality baby food. So, switch to making homemade baby foods today with these best DIY baby food recipes, and rest assured your baby is equipped with the energy, vitamins and minerals he needs to stay healthy, strong, and smart as he grows.

