Places of worship are usually large structures, and so they require high energy usage due to their open interiors and large size. So if you want to ensure that energy is efficiently utilized in your building, you should consider investing in long-term solutions that will save energy and save money in the long run.
1) Reflective roofs
Roofs made from colors such as white reflect heat and thus minimize the amount of heat absorbed by the building. This can reduce energy consumption by at least 15%.
2) Landscaping
Planting trees on the south and west of the building can help avoid the windows from the glare of the sun. This will reduce the heat absorbed and the energy consumption during the summer season.
3) Recommissioning
This is a process where the professionals inspect and tune up the already present systems in the building to ensure they are working efficiently. This regular monitoring of the energy systems can reduce energy bills by 10% annually. This feature alone can help reduce gudwaras energy rates down by 10%.
4) HVAC units with high efficiency
A highly efficient heating and cooling unit can also help reduce energy consumption by at least 10% compared to the standard unit. Units with load efficient and multiple level capacities are best for congregational buildings. It is important to consider your climate.
Energy-efficient systems in one area may be inefficient in other areas. For instance, evaporative systems work more efficiently in dry and warm areas. You can ask your contractor about the best system for your area.
5) Sensors
Sensors like occupancy sensors can sense when people are present and when they are not. The light will turn off when there is no one present. These sensors are ideal for corridors, bathrooms, stairs, porches, and other less-used spaces.
6) Parking area lighting
Most of the parking areas have more light fixtures than what is needed. So you should consider using compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or low wattage metal halides, which will give the parking lot enough light needed in that space. In addition to this, timers can also be included in the lighting fixtures outside. This will also help inefficient energy usage.
7) Demand controlled ventilation (DCV)
For large structures where there is congregation and differences in the occupancy, energy can be saved by controlling the heating and cooling by the HVAC system during low occupancy time. The DCV system can do this.
This system controls the ventilation by sensing the return airstream for carbon dioxide levels. This is used as an indicator by the system, and in this way, the system can reduce the supply of air in areas where carbon dioxide levels are low.
8) Economizers
An economizer is a modern solution in a cost-effective HVAC system: it assesses the outdoor air temperature and humidity using sensors and controllers. When the outdoor air temperature is right, it will use that air to cool the building.
In a nutshell
Large buildings, especially places of worship that have open interiors, require extra care for energy usage. The energy usage of places of worship tends to be higher and more expensive than a residential building. This is why investing in the long-term solutions mentioned above will ensure efficient energy usage and thus lower energy consumption and saves you money in the long term.