Important Advice Regarding the Dangers of Asbestos in Newcastle

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Asbestos, typically used in properties during construction is a group of 6 naturally-occurring minerals. It consists of flexible and soft fibers that are heat-resistant. Even though they are naturally occurring they are some dangers associated with them when used in the building of a new house or refurbishing of an existing one.

Asbestos Removal Service in Newcastle

The idea has been around for centuries and is still used in numerous houses and properties all around the world as well as in consumer products. In recent years due to the dangers of using it, the regulations have allowed it as long as it makes up only 1% and less of the overall product.

This is not to say that it is safe, as it can cause various types of cancers and illnesses to humans and animals when breathed in and two of the main health conditions associated with being around it, either working with it or living in a home with it are asbestosis and mesothelioma.

Exposure to this mineral is lethal and can cause an array of issues which we discuss below, as well as the solution to removing it.

Dangers of Asbestos


Trapped asbestos in wall surfaces and floors is hazardous because patients suffer from inflammation and scarring on their internal organs as well as genetic damage. Mesothelioma, a rare type of cancer that is primarily caused by this substance, more about this can be found on the Asbestos society page here.

Lung disease is also another side-effect of being exposed to the material and can be life-threatening and sometimes irreversible. Other related diseases include COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Pleural effusions and plaque, and Pleuritis.

Origins of Asbestos

This is a substance found all over the world, however, the three main countries that export it globally, include China, Kazakhstan, and Russia. It is usually found in large deposits on its own and also as part of other contaminants such as vermiculite and talc (a white powder).

Talc is a white or grey clay mineral that is comprised of hydrated magnesium silicate, this is the stuff used in baby powder as well as cooking ingredients such as corn starch : The commercial types of this mineral consist of anywhere between 6%-7% while others such as those in America contain more than 50% asbestos.

When people are consistently exposed to it and over a long period, it is not safe. Once the fibers within the substance are inhaled because they become airborne, they can contaminate the environment including people, and when it is dumped on a site such as a construction or a land-fill it can contaminate the soil that it is on, further causing harm to the environment.

Occupations That Work with Asbestos

Due to its many uses the commercial industries that typically use this material include those who work in the military service, heavy machinery industries, firefighting, construction, mining, shipbuilding, and electricity generation.

All these sectors suffer from second-hand asbestos exposure. Several products use it and we have included a list below for your perusal:

  • Reinforced plastics
  • Roofing felt
  • Cement
  • Vinyl asbestos tiles
  • Adhesives, sealants, and coatings

The Safe Handling and Removal of Asbestos

Due to its dangerous nature, there are specific companies that specialize in removing this mineral from any structures and surfaces to ensure the safety of those vulnerably exposed to it. These asbestos removal companies have specialized and stringent processes as well as the right equipment to remove any traces of it and a word of caution when looking for one, is to make sure they are trained and certified in removal to ensure the job is done correctly and thoroughly.

Never try and remove it yourself, however, if you are qualified to do so there are 6 careful steps you should be taking according to safety regulations:

  1. Make sure the work area is sealed off with plastic sheets and any air conditioning or heating has been turned off
  2. Respiratory masks are compulsory when working on this task, and should have the highest efficiency particulate air filter which is HEPA certified.
  3. Wearing overalls and gloves is mandatory and they should be the disposable kind.
  4. It will cause dust particles when scrapping it off so always make sure you keep the surface wet to restrict the dust particles from getting into the atmosphere. A pump sprayer is recommended.
  5. Once completed and all traces have been removed clean the area with antibacterial wipes.
  6. Dispose of any of the mineral pieces in the waste bin, and make sure it is tightly sealed and labeled. The best place to throw it is in a landfill that is created for this purpose only.

Safer Alternatives to Asbestos

Once removed and you are happy with the result, try one of the below replacements that are safer and easier to use.

Polyurethane foam: this is the cheapest and safest form of insulation you could use instead. It comes in spray foam and the majority of construction companies use it as insulation and a sealant.

Amorphous silica fabric: A high-quality industry-standard cloth fabric that is woven from almost 100% silica fibers and these do not burn or rot, unlike its predecessor.

Thermoset plastic flour: made of a mixture of binders and wood fibers, the thermoset plastic flour contains eggshells or gelatin ingredients which are first mixed, hardened, and then ground into a powder resembling flour.

Cellulose Fiber: A mixture of wood pulp, cotton, shredded paper, and linen, the cellulose fiber is chemically treated to harness its properties, but a safer alternative.

The idea of phasing out this dangerous product is still in the process and may take time to fully implement, however having known the threats of this material, one can start today to steer away from Asbestos products and use instead, the above alternatives. Always be safe and get your new home inspected by the experts to make sure there are no traces of it present.

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