Getting Irrigation Supplies For Your Garden

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Rainfall is the natural way that plants get water for their growth but it is not always available all year round. At these times, plants, as well as grass can dry off or change color due to the lack of water. Irrigation systems were developed to ensure that this is not the case. They are used to supply water to plants all year round whether there is rainfall or not.

Getting Irrigation Supplies For Your Garden

Irrigation is a man-made way of supplying plants with water. This supply is done in a controlled way and it helps in crop production especially during times when there is no rainfall. It is useful for growing agricultural crops. It is also helpful in maintaining landscapes and gardens as well as revegetating disturbed soils. Additionally, nutrients can be supplied to plants in this way.

Some of its other uses can be for suppressing the growth of weeds, frost protection and the prevention of soil consolidation. Furthermore, it can be used for suppressing dust, cooling animals, sewage disposal and for mining.

Water for irrigation can be obtained from different sources. These include wells, lakes, ponds, tube-wells, canals, etc. The frequency and amount of time in which irrigation is used are dependent on the soil. It also depends on the kind of crop that is planted as well as the season. You will find more information on this here.

Types of Irrigation Systems


There are different types of irrigation systems available. The type you use will depend on various factors. These can include the soil type, the crop that is planted, location, resources, landscape or topography of the land, etc. Here are some of these systems:

Surface System

This can also be known as gravity irrigation. No mechanical pump is needed in this system rather, water is distributed over the land through gravity. It is readily the oldest form of irrigation and water moves by simply following the slope of the land.

Drip Systems

In this system, drops of water are delivered close to the root of plants. This minimizes runoff and evaporation. The challenge with drip systems is that they require frequent maintenance.

Localized System

In this system, water is supplied at low pressure through a network of pipes. This is applied directly to each plant.

Sprinkler System

In this method, water is supplied through pipes to several locations on the farm or field. This is then distributed by high-pressure guns or sprinklers. Sprinklers may also be set up on moving platforms and connected to a water source. As the platform moves around, it supplies water to the crops.

Two types of sprinkling systems that can be used around the home, lawn, or garden are hose-end and lawn sprinklers. You will find ideas on the best methods to use for your garden here

Hose-end Sprinklers

This is when a hose is used to spray plants or a lawn. A sprinkler is attached to the end of a garden hose. These are usually smaller than those used in large landscape or agricultural farming. They may be spiked base which allows them to be stuck in the ground. They may also be sled base meaning they can be dragged with the hose attached to them.

Lawn Sprinkler Systems

This is a type of irrigation where a sprinkler is installed permanently in a lawn or on landscapes. Most of its components are hidden below the ground. Sprinklers are installed in different zones in a given field or lawn. Each zone is then covered by the sprinkler that is located there.

Lawn sprinklers can either be pop-up spray heads or rotors. Spray heads typically have a fixed pattern for spraying and are used to cover small areas. Rotors have streams that rotate and are used for spraying larger areas.

Other types of irrigation systems available include lateral move, center pivot, sub-irrigation, and manual irrigation systems.

Common Irrigation Supplies

You can water your lawn or garden and keep it lush by using a variety of irrigation materials. You may intend to put together a watering system for your lawn or you want to create a more complex system. No matter what you want to do, there are many irrigation supplies that you can use for your garden and lawn.

Some of these supplies are sprinklers, rotators, spray nozzles and water pumps such as pressure pumps and transfer pumps. There are also pond pumps, quantum ponds and circulators.

Furthermore, there are hoses, hose cabinets and hose reels. Hoses are flexible rubber pipes that can be used directly to spray water either manually or automatically. They are usually designed to withstand extreme temperatures and they can be used in a drip system or with sprinklers.

As a gardener, you can use either drippers or sprinklers for your garden. You may also choose to use a combination of the two. Whatever you choose to do, irrigation material suppliers such as can help you design the right system for your garden or lawn. They are always on hand to be of help with the right recommendations and supplies.

You can visit sites like Waterpro to learn more about how to get supplies.

The Benefits of Irrigation For Your Garden

Rather than wait for your garden or backyard to be rain-fed, you can install or put together a watering system. This ensures that water is constantly available for your plants and grass when needed. Some of the advantages of this are:

  • You will have a healthy and lush garden.
  • It encourages growth and reduces weeds.
  • It increases the value of your home.
  • It helps with dust control.
  • When using an automated system, you save water, money and time.


Water plays a major role in plant and crop development. This is because they use it to transport the nutrients and other minerals that they need. Consequently, it helps to promote growth and lushness. While rainfall provides a natural way to supply plants with water, it is not always available.

Irrigation systems are designed as an alternative to help provide water for plant growth all year-round. This can be on a farm or a private or commercial lawn. Ensure to work with irrigation experts and materials suppliers who can help design the right system for your garden.

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