6 Ways To Relax And Get Rid Of Your Muscle Pain At Home

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Most people experience muscle soreness after physical exercise, which means that some muscle tissues are subject to damage. When this type of injury occurs, the body automatically starts it’s tissue repair process, causing inflammations to the injured parts. The aches created usually start after 24 hours of the exercise. Intense movements develop excessive pressures on muscle tissues, and workouts should be taken easily in order to avoid muscle soreness and high level injuries. However, regular exercise strengthens the muscles and the soreness and pain are reduced over time because of the endorphins produced during physical movement. In order to keep on exercising while experiencing less pain and soreness, here are 6 ways to relax and get rid of your muscle pain at home.

6 Ways To Relax And Get Rid Of Your Muscle Pain At Home

1. Keep Moving


One of the best ways to reduce muscle pain is to keep on moving and exercise regularly. Frequent exercise supports muscles and joint strengths, and it also triggers the endorphins that your body produces during movement. This is why a lot of people stop experiencing pain and soreness after regular exercise. The inflammation caused by muscle soreness might be related to repair and growth, which is a healthy sign meaning that your muscles have started to recover from injury. However, the pain shouldn’t last for long and the inflammation shouldn’t become chronic pain.

2. Warm Up Before Exercise

In order to avoid muscle soreness and injury, warming up is a must. A good warm up will help stretch your muscles, which can help reduce injuries and pain. Stretching increases blood flow and warms up the muscles, which helps to reduce the pain. Heat therapy, like applying a hot water bottle or an electric pad on the injured area can be effective for releasing muscle soreness.

3. Cooling Therapy

Cooling the injured muscles may have the same effect as heating does as it reduces inflammation. Compressing a cold pack on inflamed muscles slows down the nerves impulses that increases the feelings of pain and soreness. Cooling injured or inflamed muscles will also reduce the tenderness and swelling associated with some injuries.

4. Massage

Lacrosse balls, massage sticks, and foam rollers are effective techniques that help release muscle tension caused by exercising and excessive physical activities. Applying one of these techniques reduces the fluid accumulation in the muscles after exercising, forcing it to move instead of gathering in the injured tissues which causes pain and swelling. Many people prefer using massage chairs, which are effortless and much easier to use since they cover wider parts of muscles all at once. Massages are also effective in delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the injured areas, which releases the pain and tenderness of muscle tissues.

5. Eat Well

Eating within half an hour of intense workout allows the muscles to regain nutrients lost during exercise. A healthy diet that contains fibers, proteins, and carbs helps your muscles repair and gain back its strength. If you’re already injured, healthy eating habits will accelerate the muscles’ recovery process. Make sure you have enough protein intake. A protein diet contains amino acids that rebuild muscles, whereas diets containing carbs elevate your body’s energy levels. It’s very important to distribute your nutrients’ intake throughout the day in order to ensure that your muscles are well fed, especially if you’re a highly active person.

6. Keep Your Body Hydrated

It goes without saying, but the importance of keeping your body hydrated during a workout and throughout the day plays a major role in muscle recovery and repair. Water is the only way to carry fluids and nutrients to the organs. It also releases the body wastes and reduces inflammation. Many people believe that feeling thirsty is a sign of dehydration, which is not true, you reach the levels of dehydration before you even know that you’re thirsty. Dehydration is dangerous because it can be tricky, one of the best ways to monitor your dehydration levels is the color of urine, dark color is a clear signal of dehydration. If you’re taking supplements your urine might seem darker, so make sure you eliminate such factors when you look for indicators.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Muscle soreness and injuries are very common symptoms that are associated with excessive and intense physical activity. However, that doesn’t mean you have to reduce movement or daily activity, because the human body is meant to move and be active. If you ever experience muscle soreness and pain, you should listen to your body and try different methods to reduce the inflammation causing the soreness. Inflammation is a natural reaction to muscle injuries and with some simple therapy, the tissues should be able to recover, repair, and regain back its strength. The pain usually occurs after a day from exercise or a workout but if it takes longer without getting better you should consult your health provider in order to avoid developing a chronic condition.

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