The Top Ways To Lower Your Electricity Bills

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The average electricity bill is $117.65 per month in the US, according to the US Energy Information Administration. That comes to around $1,400 per year. That’s a significant figure, and it can go even higher depending on where you stay and your living situation. Therefore, if you are not careful, electric bills could inflate your utility expenses and mess your finances completely.

But don’t worry.

The Top Ways To Lower Your Electricity Bills

In this article, I will share eight effective ways to lower your electricity bills starting today. Let’s jump right in:

1. Conduct An Energy Audit


A home energy audit shows your energy consumption habits. It tells you where you are spending most of your energy and what you could do to reduce the consumption.

Therefore, an energy audit is a critical first step to regaining control over your electricity bill. You can run the audit yourself by scrutinizing your bills or through other means. You can also leave the job to a professional.

A professional energy auditor won’t just tell you how your home is consuming energy. They can go as far as telling you what figures are abnormal and what you could do to resolve such issues.

They can, for instance, recommend cleaning your air ducts or tweaking the settings of your appliances to save more energy.

Many utility companies actually have energy auditing programs in place that you could utilize.
Speaking of which, you should ensure your utility company has the best rates. As seen at, electricity rates can vary from one provider to the next. Make sure you are connected to one with reasonable rates.

2. Line Dry The Laundry

Another simple yet effective energy-saving technique is using natural sunlight to dry your laundry. This strategy preserves all the energy you’d otherwise use to dry your clothes with a washing machine.

So, set up your drying lines outside and hang your clothes. The sun and wind will take care of the rest.

You could also dry the clothes indoors on a showering door or drying rack. Leave some tiny spaces between the clothes to ensure optimal air circulation.

3. Use LEDs

Studies report that LEDs consume around 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. That’s a significant difference, especially if you normally light your entire home with incandescent bulbs.

Switch off those bulbs and install LEDs right away. You can even go as far as setting up dimming light solutions. This allows you to dim your bulbs and use only the amount of light you need. The seemingly minor adjustment will make a significant difference in your annual electricity bill.

4. Reduce The Hot Water Heater Temperature

Energy reports show that heating water makes up approximately 18% of home utility bills. It is only second to home cooling. Therefore, if you can reduce your home water heating expenses, you will improve your utility bills significantly.

Lowering the temperature of your heater is a great place to start. You should be able to drop the temperature to around 130 degrees and still meet your water heating needs without using too much energy.

The other technique is installing a water heater timer. Program the timer to turn off the heating system when it’s not in use.

Insulating the pipes also goes a long way to lower energy consumption. And you don’t have to insulate the entire pipes. Just do the last 3 feet coming to the heater.

5. Upgrade To Efficient Appliances

Replacing appliances may seem expensive. However, if you are using an old electronic that’s setting you back by tens or hundreds of dollars every month, then it’s worth it.

Sure, the initial cost of buying modern energy-efficient appliances may be higher, but you will save more money on utility bills in the long run.

Have an energy auditor look at your appliances, and they’ll help you make the necessary upgrades.

6. Wash In Full Loads

Washing machines consume a lot of energy. When you clean your laundry in smaller batches, the energy consumption increases. To reduce this, you need to clean in full loads.

You can make even more savings by using cold water instead of hot water to clean your laundry.

7. Set Up Motion Sensors

Motion sensors will reduce the amount of energy used in lighting. They’ll ensure your lights only come on when they’re actually needed.

You can install motion sensors both indoors and outdoors.

8. Consider Switching To Renewable Energy Sources

Consider Switching To Renewable Energy Sources

Sometimes lowering your utility bills is as straightforward as switching to renewable energy sources. Federal and state governments encourage households to switch to clean energy sources like solar. They even provide tax breaks and other incentives.

You should take advantage of these programs and install clean energy for your home. You can even sell some of your energy to the grid if you produce more than you consume.

Plus, you don’t have to build an extensive solar system powering your entire home. You can start slowly with a solar water heater. Or solar outdoor lighting solutions. Then scale your system gradually until you get off the main grid altogether.

Those are some of the most effective ways of lowering your electricity bills. Implement the tactics today, and you should start seeing a difference in your monthly utility bill right away.

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