Plumbers Mackay: How To Choose A Plumbing Company That Won’t Let You Down

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Plumbing isn’t on top of your priority list, nor will it bump up in said list unless it’s an emergency. You’ll only hire a professional when a problem arises, or worse, just DIY it yourself. Leaking pipes, rusty lines, and even temperature problems (read more) could have been prevented with maintenance. Almost 100,000 people enter the ER due to scalding from tap water (159 degrees Fahrenheit or 69 degrees Celsius), and the most susceptible to this are children under 5.


Plumbers Mackay

But say you decide to hire a plumbing company for the sake of your kids. Where do you begin amidst the plethora of companies in google search results? This article is made for that purpose: to guide you in partnering with a company that you can work with long-term. Here are things to look out for in finding a company that won’t potentially let you down.


Tip #1: Check Their Qualifications

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The first thing to check out before considering hiring a plumber from a plumbing company is to check their credentials. Did they undergo training and workshops? Do they possess a license? All states in Australia require plumbers to have a permit before they work anywhere. Said states have bodies of authority that oversee this.

One way to check if they’re licensed in the local government and their list of licensed plumbing companies or individuals. You can also check the company’s customer service when you enquire today or ask the professional directly. The reason a license should be secured is for the sake of you—the customer—and the peace of mind it brings to know a professional is working.


Tip #2: Assess Their Professionalism

First impressions last, and this happens when you first interact with their website and customer service. The way a site is constructed can say a lot about the company. If their landing page is professionally done, informative, and has several contact details, you can conclude they take their image seriously and open to any inquiries potential customers may have.

Another first impression can happen with the professionals themselves. Observe how they dress, communicate with customers, and carry on with their work. Professional plumbers are known to be neat in appearance and thorough with invoices and schedules. You should find someone that fits that image and no one else if you expect an excellent job.

After working with them for some time, you’ll eventually be calling on them whenever a problem arises in your plumbing. As it is, you should also consider a plumber with an amiable personality. You wouldn’t want to dread seeing them and don’t see them eye-to-eye most of the time. As a customer, quality service is the top priority, but so is a stress-free transaction.


Tip #3: Be Mindful Of The Service Cost And Order

One thing you should think about before hiring a professional is their cost. Don’t say yes to a deal you have no exact price of. On top of that, don’t accept any deals that weren’t broken down into comprehensible items. In other words, just writing up $50 for nothing isn’t acceptable. You should know where this particular chunk of the fee goes and what miscellaneous entails.

Being thorough isn’t nit-picky of you, but cautious of where well-earned money goes. A professional plumber knows this and understands your side of the story. Besides, if they have nothing to hide, there’s no other reasonable explanation not to give a thoroughly calculated quote.

Another thing to be mindful of is when the plumber issues invoices. Plumbing falls in the invoice-on-the-spot category (link:, meaning they can issue invoices right after the job is done. On the other hand, if they demand payment upfront before the job is done, consider it a red flag and never consent to this service and payment order.


Tip #4: A Trustworthy Company Offers Insurance

Perhaps the most evident sign of a professional and reputable company is their offer of insurance. A company that can’t live up to their service (or can’t afford it) won’t even dare mention the dreaded “i” word. Sometimes jobs don’t work the way a professional or a client wants, and insurance covers any damages or untoward happenings that transpired during the service.

A great company you put your faith in will most likely cover for the damages and offer to make up for it. Besides, it will pose a significant loss for them if the professional plumber messes up, and this risk they’re taking only shows you how confident they are in their workmanship. That’s a definite green flag you should find.


Tip #5: Punctuality Is NOT A Bonus

For services like plumbing, timeliness is not a bonus but a critical “must-have.” You’re paying them for each hour you spent after hiring them, and that includes the time when they’re late. If the rates aren’t hourly, however, punctuality still stands as a need. As a customer, you’ve set-aside a designated time of the day for this because you’re busy too. Delaying it will not only waste their time but yours also.

On that note, a professional, licensed plumber from a reputable company will not only assure you of a job well done, but a job well done finished quickly.


Tip #6: Review References And Check Reviews

Usually, people get their recommendation from a loved one or a close friend. But if you have neither of those, the closest thing you’ll get to a reference is a review online. Check their website for existing reviews. You can also read other blogs that feature them and focus on the critical aspects. You’d want to know what you’re dealing with.

If online reading isn’t for you, you can ask the professional to provide references from the 10 recent clients they had and ask if you can call them up for a quick review. Take note that these 10 references should be consecutive and not handpicked. That way, you’ll have an honest and understandable assessment of the professional in front of you.


Tip #7: Make Sure You’re Hiring Locally

For your convenience and theirs, you should consider finding and hiring local plumbing professionals. This will ensure a quick response and swift transportation. Hiring someone from miles away will, of course, end them up arriving late in the situation. That will waste time, money, and effort on both sides.

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